Thread progress monitoring in Python

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My recent hobby hack-together, my photo cleanup tool FotoJazz, required me getting my hands dirty with threads for the first time (in Python or otherwise). Threads allow you to run a task in the background, and to continue doing whatever else you want your program to do, while you wait for the (usually long-running) task to finish (that's one definition / use of threads, anyway — a much less complex one than usual, I dare say).

However, if your program hasn't got much else to do in the meantime (as was the case for me), threads are still very useful, because they allow you to report on the progress of a long-running task at the UI level, which is better than your task simply blocking execution, leaving the UI hanging, and providing no feedback.

As part of coding up FotoJazz, I developed a re-usable architecture for running batch processing tasks in a thread, and for reporting on the thread's progress in both a web-based (AJAX-based) UI, and in a shell UI. This article is a tour of what I've developed, in the hope that it helps others with their thread progress monitoring needs in Python or in other languages.

The FotoJazzProcess base class

The foundation of the system is a Python class called FotoJazzProcess, which is in the project/fotojazz/ file in the source code. This is a base class, designed to be sub-classed for actual implementations of batch tasks; although the base class itself also contains a "dummy" batch task, which can be run and monitored for testing / example purposes. All the dummy task does, is sleep for 100ms, for each file in the directory path provided:

#!/usr/bin/env python

# ...

from threading import Thread
from time import sleep

class FotoJazzProcess(Thread):
    """Parent / example class for running threaded FotoJazz processes.
    You should use this as a base class if you want to process a
    directory full of files, in batch, within a thread, and you want to
    report on the progress of the thread."""

    # ...

    filenames = []
    total_file_count = 0

    # This number is updated continuously as the thread runs.
    # Check the value of this number to determine the current progress
    # of FotoJazzProcess (if it equals 0, progress is 0%; if it equals
    # total_file_count, progress is 100%).
    files_processed_count = 0

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """When initialising this class, you can pass in either a list
        of filenames (first param), or a string of space-delimited
        filenames (second param). No need to pass in both."""

        # ...

    def run(self):
        """Iterates through the files in the specified directory. This
        example implementation just sleeps on each file - in subclass
        implementations, you should do some real processing on each
        file (e.g. re-orient the image, change date modified). You
        should also generally call self.prepare_filenames() at the
        start, and increment self.files_processed_count, in subclass

        for filename in self.filenames:
            self.files_processed_count += 1

You could monitor the thread's progress, simply by checking obj.files_processed_count from your calling code. However, the base class also provides some convenience methods, for getting the progress value in a more refined form — i.e. as a percentage value, or as a formatted string:

    # ...

    def percent_done(self):
        """Gets the current percent done for the thread."""
        return float(self.files_processed_count) / \
                     float(self.total_file_count) \
               * 100.0

    def get_progress(self):
        """Can be called at any time before, during or after thread
        execution, to get current progress."""
        return '%d files (%.2f%%)' % (self.files_processed_count,

The FotoJazzProcessShellRun command-line progress class

FotoJazzProcessShellRun contains all the code needed to report on a thread's progress via the command-line. All you have to do is instantiate it, and pass it a class (as an object) that inherits from FotoJazzProcess (or, if no class is provided, it uses the FotoJazzProcess base class). Then, execute the instantiated object — it takes care of the rest for you:

class FotoJazzProcessShellRun(object):
    """Runs an instance of the thread with shell output / feedback."""

    def __init__(self, init_class=FotoJazzProcess):
        self.init_class = init_class

    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # ...

        fjp = self.init_class(*args, **kwargs)

        print '%s threaded process beginning.' % fjp.__class__.__name__
        print '%d files will be processed. ' % fjp.total_file_count + \
              'Now beginning progress output.'
        print fjp.get_progress()


        while fjp.is_alive() and \
              fjp.files_processed_count < fjp.total_file_count:
            if fjp.files_processed_count < fjp.total_file_count:
                print fjp.get_progress()

        print fjp.get_progress()
        print '%s threaded process complete. Now exiting.' \
              % fjp.__class__.__name__

if __name__ == '__main__':

At this point, we're able to see the progress feedback in action already, through the command-line interface. This is just running the dummy batch task, but the feedback looks the same regardless of what process is running:

Thread progress output on the command-line.
Thread progress output on the command-line.

The way this command-line progress system is implemented, it provides feedback once per second (timing handled with a simple sleep() call), and outputs feedback in terms of both number of files and percentage done. These details, of course, merely form an example for the purposes of this article — when implementing your own command-line progress feedback, you would change these details per your own tastes and needs.

The web front-end: HTML

Cool, we've now got a framework for running batch tasks within a thread, and for monitoring the progress of the thread; and we've built a simple interface for printing the thread's progress via command-line execution.

That was the easy part! Now, let's build an AJAX-powered web front-end on top of all that.

To start off, let's look at the basic HTML we'd need, for allowing the user to initiate a batch task (e.g. by pushing a submit button), and to see the latest progress of that task (e.g. with a JavaScript progress bar widget):

  <div class="operation">
    <h2>Run dummy task</h2>
    <div class="operation-progress" id="operation-dummy-progress"></div>
    <input type="submit" value="Run dummy task" id="operation-dummy" />
  </div><!-- /#operation -->

Close your eyes for a second, and pretend we've also just coded up some gorgeous, orgasmic CSS styling for this markup (and don't worry about the class / id names for now, either — they're needed for the JavaScript, which we'll get to shortly). Now, open your eyes, and behold! A glorious little web-based dialog for our dummy task:

Web-based dialog for initiating and monitoring our dummy task.
Web-based dialog for initiating and monitoring our dummy task.

The web front-end: JavaScript

That's a lovely little interface we've just built. Now, let's begin to actually make it do something. Let's write some JavaScript that hooks into our new submit button and progress indicator (with the help of jQuery, and the jQuery UI progress bar — this code can be found in the static/js/fotojazz.js file in the source code):

fotojazz.operations = function() {
    function process_start(process_css_name,
                           extra_args) {

        // ...

        $('#operation-' + process_css_name).click(function() {
            // ...

            $.getJSON(SCRIPT_ROOT + '/process/start/' +
                      process_class_name + '/',
            function(data) {
                $('#operation-' + process_css_name).attr('disabled',
                $('#operation-' + process_css_name + '-progress')
                .progressbar('option', 'disabled', false);
                $('#operation-' + process_css_name + '-progress')
                .progressbar('option', 'value', data.percent);
                setTimeout(function() {
                }, 100);
            return false;

    function process_progress(process_css_name,
                              key) {
        $.getJSON(SCRIPT_ROOT + '/process/progress/' +
                  process_class_name + '/',
            'key': key
        }, function(data) {
            $('#operation-' + process_css_name + '-progress')
            .progressbar('option', 'value', data.percent);
            if (!data.done) {
                setTimeout(function() {
                }, 100);
            else {
                $('#operation-' + process_css_name)
                $('#operation-' + process_css_name + '-progress')
                .progressbar('option', 'value', 0);
                $('#operation-' + process_css_name + '-progress')
                .progressbar('option', 'disabled', true);

                // ...

    // ...

    return {
        init: function() {
            $('.operation-progress').progressbar({'disabled': true});

            // ...

            process_start('dummy', 'FotoJazzProcess');

            // ...

$(function() {

This code is best read by starting at the bottom. First off, we call fotojazz.operations.init(). If you look up just a few lines, you'll see that function defined (it's the init: function() one). In the init() function, the first thing we do is initialise a (disabled) jQuery progress bar widget, on our div with class operation-progress. Then, we call process_start(), passing in a process_css_name of 'dummy', and a process_class_name of 'FotoJazzProcess'.

The process_start() function binds all of its code to the click() event of our submit button. So, when we click the button, an AJAX request is sent to the path /process/start/ process_class_name/ on the server side. We haven't yet implemented this server-side callback, but for now let's assume that (as its pathname suggests), this callback starts a new process thread, and returns some info about the new thread (e.g. a reference ID, a progress indication, etc). The AJAX 'success' callback for this request then waits 100ms (with the help of setTimeout()), before calling process_progress(), passing it the CSS name and the class name that process_start() originally received, plus data.key, which is the unique ID of the new thread on the server.

The main job of process_progress(), is to make AJAX calls to the server that request the latest progress of the thread (again, let's imagine that the callback for this is done on the server side). When it receives the latest progress data, it then updates the jQuery progress bar widget's value, waits 100ms, and calls itself recursively. Via this recursion loop, it continues to update the progress bar widget, until the process is 100% complete, at which point the JavaScript terminates, and our job is done.

This code is extremely generic and re-usable. There's only one line in all the code, that's actually specific to the batch task that we're running: the process_start('dummy', 'FotoJazzProcess'); call. To implement another task on the front-end, all we'd have to do is copy and paste this one-line function call, changing the two parameter values that get passed to it (along with also copy-pasting the HTML markup to match). Or, if things started to get unwieldy, we could even put the function call inside a loop, and iterate through an array of parameter values.

The web front-end: Python

Now, let's take a look at the Python code to implement our server-side callback paths (which, in this case, are built as views in the Flask framework, and can be found in the project/fotojazz/ file in the source code):

from uuid import uuid4

from flask import jsonify
from flask import Module
from flask import request

from project import fotojazz_processes

# ...

mod = Module(__name__, 'fotojazz')

# ...

def process_start(process_class_name):
    """Starts the specified threaded process. This is a sort-of
    'generic' view, all the different FotoJazz tasks share it."""

    # ...

    process_module_name = process_class_name
    if process_class_name != 'FotoJazzProcess':
        process_module_name = process_module_name.replace('Process', '')
    process_module_name = process_module_name.lower()

    # Dynamically import the class / module for the particular process
    # being started. This saves needing to import all possible
    # modules / classes.
    process_module_obj = __import__('%s.%s.%s' % ('project',
    process_class_obj = getattr(process_module_obj, process_class_name)

    # ...

    # Initialise the process thread object.
    fjp = process_class_obj(*args, **kwargs)

    if not process_class_name in fotojazz_processes:
        fotojazz_processes[process_class_name] = {}
    key = str(uuid4())

    # Store the process thread object in a global dict variable, so it
    # continues to run and can have its progress queried, independent
    # of the current session or the current request.
    fotojazz_processes[process_class_name][key] = fjp

    percent_done = round(fjp.percent_done(), 1)

    return jsonify(key=key, percent=percent_done, done=done)

def process_progress(process_class_name):
    """Reports on the progress of the specified threaded process.
    This is a sort-of 'generic' view, all the different FotoJazz tasks
    share it."""

    key = request.args.get('key', '', type=str)

    if not process_class_name in fotojazz_processes:
        fotojazz_processes[process_class_name] = {}

    if not key in fotojazz_processes[process_class_name]:
        return jsonify(error='Invalid process key.')

    # Retrieve progress of requested process thread, from global
    # dict variable where the thread reference is stored.
    percent_done = fotojazz_processes[process_class_name][key] \

    done = False
    if not fotojazz_processes[process_class_name][key].is_alive() or \
       percent_done == 100.0:
        del fotojazz_processes[process_class_name][key]
        done = True
    percent_done = round(percent_done, 1)

    return jsonify(key=key, percent=percent_done, done=done)

As with the JavaScript, these Python functions are completely generic and re-usable. The process_start() function dynamically imports and instantiates the process class object needed for this particular task, based on the parameter sent to it in the URL path. It then kicks off the thread, and stores the thread in fotojazz_processes, which is a global dictionary variable. A unique ID is generated as the key for this dictionary, and that ID is then sent back to the javascript, via the JSON response object.

The process_progress() function retrieves the running thread by its unique key, and finds the progress of the thread as a percentage value. It also checks if the thread is now finished, as this is valuable information back on the JavaScript end (we don't want that recursive AJAX polling to continue forever!). It also returns its data to the front-end, via a JSON response object.

With code now in place at all necessary levels, our AJAX interface to the dummy batch task should now be working smoothly:

The dummy task is off and running, and the progress bar is working.
The dummy task is off and running, and the progress bar is working.

Absolutely no extra Python view code is needed, in order to implement new batch tasks. As long as the correct new thread class (inheriting from FotoJazzProcess) exists and can be found, everything Just Works™. Not bad, eh?

Final thoughts

Progress feedback on threads is a fairly common development pattern in more traditional desktop GUI apps. There's a lot of info out there on threads and progress bars in Python's version of the Qt GUI library, for example. However, I had trouble finding much info about implementing threads and progress bars in a web-based app. Hopefully, this article will help those of you looking for info on the topic.

The example code I've used here is taken directly from my FotoJazz app, and is still loosely coupled to it. As such, it's example code, not a ready-to-go framework or library for Python threads with web-based progress indication. However, it wouldn't take that much more work to get the code to that level. Consider it your homework!

Also, an important note: the code demonstrated in this article — and the FotoJazz app in general — is not suitable for a real-life online web app (in its current state), as it has not been developed with security, performance, or scalability in mind at all. In particular, I'm pretty sure that the AJAX in its current state is vulnerable to all sorts of CSRF attacks; not to mention the fact that all sorts of errors and exceptions are liable to occur, most of them currently uncaught. I'm also a total newbie to threads, and I understand that threads in web apps are particularly prone to cause strange explosions. You must remember: FotoJazz is a web-based desktop app, not an actual web app; and web-based desktop app code is not necessarily web-app-ready code.

Finally, what I've demonstrated here is not particularly specific to the technologies I've chosen to use. Instead of jQuery, any number of other JavaScript libraries could be used (e.g. YUI, Prototype). And instead of Python, the whole back-end could be implemented in any other server-side language (e.g. PHP, Java), or in another Python framework (e.g. Django, I'd be interested to hear if anyone else has done (or plans to do) similar work, but with a different technology stack.

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Thanks - you are showing all the technologies I am using - Python, Flask, threads and jquery. It is exactly what I am trying to accomplish but haven't quite put it all together. You have set me in the right direction.