
Economics and doomed jobs

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There are a great many people in this world — particularly in third-world countries — that spend their entire lives performing jobs that are dangerous, labour-intensive, unhealthy, and altogether better-suited for machines. I've often heard the argument that "it's better that they do what they do, than that they have no job at all". After visiting the hellish mines of Potosí in Bolivia, I disagree with this argument more strongly than ever. I'm now 100% convinced that it's better for jobs as atrocious as this to disappear from the face of the Earth; and that it's better for those affected to become unemployed and to face economic hardship in the short-term, while eventually finding newer and better jobs; than to continue in their doomed and unpleasant occupations forever.

Let the cameras do the snapping

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For all of the most memorable moments in life — such as exotic vacations, milestone birthday parties, and brushes with fame — we like to have photographs. For some people, photography is an art and a life-long passion: there is great pride to be had in capturing significant occasions on film or in pixels. But for others (such as myself), taking photos can quickly become little more than a bothersome chore, and one that detracts from the very experiences that you're trying to savour and to have a memento of. For those of us in the latter category, wouldn't it be great if our cameras just took all the pictures for us, leaving us free to do other things? Judging by recent developments, this may not be as far off as you think.

You're part of this world... aren't you?

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For the past century, humanity has fallen into the habit of wreaking ever-more serious havoc upon the natural environment, and of conveniently choosing to ignore any and all side-effects that this behaviour may entail. Our daily lives are a crazy black comedy of blindness: each of us is like a blind butcher who carves up his customers, thinking that they're his animal meats; or like a blind man in his house, who thinks he's outside enjoying a breeze, when he's actually feeling the blizzard blowing in through his bedroom window. Finally, however, more and more people are taking off the blindfold, and realising that they do actually exist in this world, and that closing the window isn't the answer to stopping that breeze from getting warmer.

GreenAsh ground-up videocast: Part III: Custom theming with Drupal 4.7

This video screencast is part III of a series that documents the development of a new, real-life Drupal website from the ground up. It shows you how to create a custom theme that gives your site a unique look-and-feel, using Drupal's built-in PHPTemplate theme engine. Tasks that are covered include theming blocks, theming CCK node types, and theming views. Video produced by GreenAsh Services, and sponsored by Hambo Design. (21:58 min — 24.1MB H.264)

I hope that all you fellow Drupalites have enjoyed this series, and I wish you a very happy new year!

GreenAsh ground-up videocast: Part II: Installing and using add-on modules with Drupal 4.7

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This video screencast is part II of a series that documents the development of a new, real-life Drupal website from the ground up. It shows you how to install a number of the more popular add-on modules from the contributions repository, and it steps through a detailed demonstration of how to configure these modules. The add-on modules that are covered include Views, CCK, Pathauto, and Category. Video produced by GreenAsh Services, and sponsored by Hambo Design. (28:44 min — 35.1MB H.264)

Pleasure vs pro

It's become popular in recent times for people to quit their boring day jobs, and instead to work full-time on something that they really love doing. We've all heard people say: now I'm spending every day doing what I enjoy most, and I couldn't be happier. Call me a cynic, but I am very dubious of the truth of this approach. In my experience, as soon as you turn a pleasurable pastime into a profession, you've suddenly added a whole new bucket of not-so-enjoyable tasks and responsibilities into the mix; and in the process, you've sacrificed at least some of the pleasure.

GreenAsh 3.0: how did they do it?

After much delay, the stylish new 3rd edition of GreenAsh has finally hit the web! This is the first major upgrade that GreenAsh has had in almost 2 years, since it was ported over from home-grown CMS (v1) to Drupal (v2). The site has been upgraded from its decaying and zealously hacked Drupal 4.5 code base, to the latest stable (and much-less-hacked) 4.7 code base. It sports a snazzy new theme, complete with fresh branding, graphics, and content layout. It is using quite a few new modules that are only available in more recent versions of Drupal, including views, pathauto, and the improved captcha module. And, best of all, it has finally been switched over to the category module, which was built and documented by myself, and which had the purpose from the very beginning of being installed right here, in order to meet the hefty navigational and user experience demands that I have placed upon this site. Read on to find out how, and why, the upgrade in all its pain and glory was carried out.