An inline image Django template filter

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Adding image fields to a Django model is easy, thanks to the built-in ImageField class. Auto-resizing uploaded images is also a breeze, courtesy of sorl-thumbnail and its forks/variants. But what about embedding resized images inline within text content? This is a very common use case for bloggers, and it's a final step that seems to be missing in Django at the moment.

Having recently migrated this site over from Drupal, my old blog posts had inline images embedded using image assist. Images could be inserted into an arbitrary spot within a text field by entering a token, with a syntax of [img_assist nid=123 ... ]. I wanted to be able to continue embedding images in roughly the same fashion, using a syntax as closely matching the old one as possible.

So, I've written a simple template filter that parses a text block for tokens with a syntax of [thumbnail image-identifier], and that replaces every such token with the image matching the given identifier, resized according to a pre-determined width and height (by sorl-thumbnail), and formatted as an image tag with a caption underneath. The code for the filter is below.

import re

from django import template
from django.template.defaultfilters import stringfilter

from sorl.thumbnail.main import DjangoThumbnail

from models import InlineImage

register = template.Library()

regex = re.compile(r'\[thumbnail (?P<identifier>[\-\w]+)\]')

def inline_thumbnails(value):
    new_value = value
    it = regex.finditer(value)
    for m in it:
            image = InlineImage.objects.get(identifier=identifier)
            thumbnail = DjangoThumbnail(image.image, (500, 500))
            new_value = new_value.replace(, '<img src="%s%s" width="%d" height="%d" alt="%s" /><p><em>%s</em></p>' % ('', thumbnail.absolute_url, thumbnail.width(), thumbnail.height(), image.title, image.title))
        except InlineImage.DoesNotExist:
    return new_value

This code belongs in a file such as appname/templatetags/ within your Django project directory. It also assumes that you have an InlineImage model that looks something like this (in your app's file):

from django.db import models

class InlineImage(models.Model):
    created         = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
    modified        = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True)

    title           = models.CharField(max_length=100)

    image           = models.ImageField(upload_to='uploads/images')
    identifier      = models.SlugField(unique=True)

    def __unicode__(self):
        return self.title
        ordering = ('-created',)

Say you have a model for your site's blog posts, called Entry. The main body text field for this model is content. You could upload an InlineImage with identifier hokey-pokey. You'd then embed the image into the body text of a blog post like so:

<p>You put your left foot in,
You put your left foot out,
You put your left foot in,
And you shake it all about.</p>

[thumbnail hokey-pokey]

<p>You do the Hokey Pokey and you turn around,
That's what it's all about.</p>

To render the blog post content with the thumbnail tokens converted into actual images, simply filter the variable in your template, like so:

{% load inline_thumbnails %}

{{ entry.content|inline_thumbnails|safe }}

The code here is just a simple example — if you copy it and adapt it to your own needs, you'll probably want to add a bit more functionality to it. For example, the token could be extended to support specifying image alignment (left/right), width/height per image, caption override, etc. But I didn't particularly need any of these things, and I wanted to keep my code simple, so I've omitted those features from my filter.

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Martin Fitzpatrick

I was looking for something similar to this so thankyou for posting the article.

It occurred to me that (depending on the control you have over the blog app) you might also want to consider using Django's templating system internally.

For example you could create a template tag {% inline_thumnail id %} and then preprocess during save to convert it - copying it in the process to a pre-rendered body_html field in the database. Also has the advantage of saving reprocessing the content during views.

Have a look at how django-forum works with markdown ( django-forum/forum/ line 223 ).