Australian LGA to postcode mappings with PostGIS and Intersects

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For a recent project, I needed to know the LGAs (Local Government Areas) of all postcodes in Australia, and vice versa. As it turns out, there is no definitive Australia-wide list containing this data anywhere. People have been discussing the issue for some time, with no clear outcome. So, I decided to get creative.

To cut a long story short: I've produced my own list! You can download my Australian LGA postcode mappings spreadsheet from Google Docs.

If you want the full story: I imported both the LGA boundaries data and the Postal Area boundaries data from the ABS, into PostGIS, and I did an "Intersects" query on the two datasets. I exported the results of this query to CSV. Done! And all perfectly reproducible, using freely available public data sets, and using free and open-source software tools.

The process

I started by downloading the Geo data that I needed, from the ABS. My source was the page Australian Statistical Geography Standard (ASGS): Volume 3 - Non ABS Structures, July 2011. This was the most recent page that I could find on the ABS, containing all the data that I needed. I downloaded the files "Local Government Areas ASGS Non ABS Structures Ed 2011 Digital Boundaries in MapInfo Interchange Format", and "Postal Areas ASGS Non ABS Structures Ed 2011 Digital Boundaries in MapInfo Interchange Format".

Big disclaimer: I'm not an expert at anything GIS- or spatial-related, I'm a complete n00b at this. I decided to download the data I needed in MapInfo format. It's also available on the ABS web site in ArcGIS Shapefile format. I could have downloaded the Shapefiles instead – they can also be imported into PostGIS, using the same tools that I used. I chose the MapInfo files because I did some quick Googling around, and I got the impression that MapInfo files are less complex and are somewhat more portable. I may have made the wrong choice. Feel free to debate the merits of MapInfo vs ArcGIS files for this task, and to try this out yourself using ArcGIS instead of MapInfo. I'd be interested to see the difference in results (theoretically there should be no difference… in practice, who wants to bet there is?).

I then had to install PostGIS (I already had Postgres installed) and related tools on my local machine (running Ubuntu 12.04). I'm not providing PostGIS installation instructions here, there's plenty of information available elsewhere to help you get set up with all the tools you need, for your specific OS / requirements. Installing PostGIS and related tools can get complicated, so if you do decide to try all this yourself, don't say I didn't warn you. Ubuntu is probably one of the easier platforms on which to install it, but there are plenty of guides out there for Windows and Mac too.

Once I was all set up, I imported the data files into a PostGIS-enabled Postgres database with these commands:

ogr2ogr -a_srs EPSG:4283 -f "PostgreSQL" \
PG:"host=localhost user=lgapost dbname=lgapost password=PASSWORD" \
-lco OVERWRITE=yes -nln lga LGA_2011_AUST.mid

ogr2ogr -a_srs EPSG:4283 -f "PostgreSQL" \
PG:"host=localhost user=lgapost dbname=lgapost password=PASSWORD" \
-lco OVERWRITE=yes -nln postcodes POA_2011_AUST.mid

If you're interested in the OGR Toolkit (ogr2ogr and friends), there are plenty of resources available; in particular, this OGR Toolkit guide was very useful for me.

After playing around with a few different map projections, I decided that EPSG:4283 was probably the correct one to use as an argument to ogr2ogr. I based my decision on seeing the MapInfo projection string "CoordSys Earth Projection 1, 116" in the header of the ABS data files, and then finding this list of common Australian-used map projections. Once again: I am a total n00b at this. I know very little about map projections (except that it's a big and complex topic). Feel free to let me know if I've used completely the wrong projection for this task.

I renamed the imported tables to 'lga' and 'postcodes' respectively, and I then ran this from the psql shell, to find all LGAs that intersect with all postal areas, and to export the result to a CSV:

\copy (SELECT     l.state_name_2011,
       FROM       lga l
       INNER JOIN postcodes p
       ON         ST_Intersects(
       ORDER BY   l.state_name_2011,
TO '/path/to/lga_postcodes.csv' WITH CSV HEADER;

Final remarks

That's about it! Also, some notes of mine (mainly based on the trusty Wikipedia page Local Government in Australia):

I hope that this information is of use, to anyone else who needs to link up LGAs and postcodes in a database or in a GIS project.

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Amazing work thank you so much.

I have a list of suburbs that I am using together with your table. I can send it to you. Let me know.

Cheers - Juan


Thanks so much for this. Very clear explanation - which helps to qualify the data. And great explanation on how to replicate the process if needed. Thanks again.


Thank you, Jeremy,

I was having a dreadful time trying to get some LGA data into Tableau as a personal exercise, but I have not programming skills at all and the python script I was given was all messed up.

This file has helped me a great deal.


Life saver thankyou! Just what I needed for a tender :)


You are the best.


Some pivot table goodness:



This is brilliant, just what I was looking for.

Just one question, though: some postcodes are in more than one LGA. How do you select the appropriate one?


@G. Re: "some postcodes are in more than one LGA. How do you select the appropriate one?" Well, that's the whole point - many of those postcodes really do belong to multiple LGAs. Officially and on the ground. So, for those postcodes, there is no "appropriate one", there's only an "appropriate many".

If you have more information, e.g. an exact street address, which yields a geographical point (not an area), then you can of course always map that to a single LGA. But with just a postcode, all you have is a (possibly large) geographical area, which may overlap with the areas of multiple LGAs.


Thanks so much, this is brilliant! I wonder why there is no official doc of this info available??


UPDATE: due to a request that I received, I've created a new spreadsheet based on the latest ABS data sets (released in 2016). You can now access the new file Australian LGA postcode mappings (2016 data). Main changes, as far as I can see: areas that have no LGA are now included (listed as "Unincorporated"), including all of the ACT; the controversial NSW council amalgamations have happened, and this is now reflected in the data sets.

Also, when trying to generate the new mapping with PostGIS, I got an "ERROR: GEOSIntersects: TopologyException: side location conflict" for the polygons for the Circular Head LGA / the 7330 postcode in Tasmania. So, I excluded these problem areas from the auto-generated mapping, and per the info at (and a few other similar web sites), I manually added "Tasmania,Circular Head,7321", "Tasmania,Circular Head,7330", and "Tasmania,Circular Head,7331" to the spreadsheet.



I stumbled on your website and the good work you did on Australian LGA postcode mappings (2016 data) while looking for a list with postcode, suburb, LGA and regions appended.

Would you know where i can find this?

Thanks Ben


Hi Ben,

Re: a list of postcodes, suburbs, and LGAs. No, sorry, I'm not aware of such a list. However, the ABS does publish suburbs geospatial data, same as it does for postcodes and LGAs, so it should be possible to generate a postcode-to-suburb mapping, or an LGA-to-suburb mapping, or even a three-way postcode-LGA-suburb mapping, similar to the postcode-to-LGA mapping that I generated.


I've been on both ABS and Auspost sites and nothing as clear as yours unfortunately!

Emma Linton

What an absolute legend! Thank you SO much for this. I work for a non profit and we would have needed to have spent hours to collate this data. Much appreciated 🙏

David Luckett

Hi Jeremy,

Thanks for all your work putting this data together.

This ABS dataset is also noteworthy and relevant.

It gives "concordances" between LGAs and postcodes in CSV format.

The data is quite old (2006), so before any NSW LGA amalgamations, but it does provide an estimate of the population split across LGA boundaries.


Fantastic information. Your post saved me. Thankyou!


I recently came across your blog post detailing the comprehensive process you undertook to match Australian Local Government Areas (LGAs) with their respective postcodes, utilizing data from the ABS and PostGIS software. I am genuinely impressed by the dedication and creativity you demonstrated in tackling and sharing a solution to this complex task, especially considering the lack of a definitive Australia-wide list.

Your work has provided an invaluable resource for individuals and organizations alike who require precise geographical data for various projects. The clarity with which you've described your methodology is incredibly helpful, and the fact that you've made your findings available for public use reflects a commendable commitment to supporting the broader community.

Given the significance of your contribution, I am curious to know if you have plans to update this dataset with the 2021 LGA boundaries. As you're likely aware, there have been some important changes since the 2016 update, which could impact projects that rely on the most current geographical information. An updated version would undoubtedly be a highly appreciated resource for those of us in need of the latest data.

Thank you once again for your outstanding work and for considering my inquiry. I look forward to any updates you might share and wish you continued success in your future endeavours.


Hi Echo, Thanks for getting in touch. Yes, I have been meaning to generate a new LGA to postcode mapping based on the 2021 ABS datasets. Haven't gotten around to it yet. Thanks for reminding me! I'll try and do it soon. Great to hear that my mappings have been of use to you.


Hi Jaza,

Thank you for sharing this data which is super helpful. My question is often 1 postcode have multiple LGA mapped to it, take 3121 for example, has 4 LGA against it. How should I or could I map this postcode to 1 LGA?




Hi SF, glad you've found the data useful. As I've commented previously, I'm afraid there's no correct way to map a given postcode to just one LGA. Postcodes can (and many postcodes do) physically cover multiple LGAs, that's just the reality that we have to deal with. I suppose you could look for the one post office in that postcode, and determine which LGA it's in, and treat that as "the one true LGA" for that postcode (but no doubt there are numerous cases where a given postcode is served by multiple post offices, or zero post offices!). Or determine which LGA covers the greatest percentage of the geographical area of a given postcode (which should always yield just one LGA, a tie should be virtually impossible - although there would be no guarantee that each such LGA is actually the most important / most central / most populated LGA for a given postcode). Anyway, apart from being error-prone and yielding dubious results, solutions like that would be far more complex than what I've implemented here. Hope that helps.