Portfolio: Get Stimulated


Django template development.

Get Stimulated

Get Stimulated is a tool that lets you find out, for a given electorate, how much money from the Australian government's 2009 stimulus package was spent in that area. The site uses a dataset that was released to the public for unrestricted use in 2009, and that details (among many other things) exactly where and how the AU$6.2 billion stimulus money was spent.

The site was built using Django, and it was the first Django site (of many!) that I was involved in building. I coded most of the front-end templates, and I worked on the Google Maps rendering JavaScript. Myself and the rest of the Get Stimulated team were sponsored (with days in lieu) by Digital Eskimo, of which we were all employees. The site was built and launched in one weekend, as part of Mashup Australia, an event affiliated with Government 2.0 and hosted and sponsored by Google.