I hope that all you fellow Drupalites have enjoyed this series, and I wish you a very happy new year!
This is the final episode in this series. If you haven't done so already, go and watch part I and part II.
Note: to save the video to your computer, right-click it and select 'Save Link As...' (or equivalent action). You will need QuickTime v7 or higher in order to watch the video.
]]>Stay tuned for part III, which will be the final episode in this series, and which will cover custom theming with PHPTemplate. If you haven't done so already, go and watch part I.
Note: to save the video to your computer, right-click it and select 'Save Link As...' (or equivalent action). You will need QuickTime v7 or higher in order to watch the video.
]]>Stay tuned for part II, which will cover the installation and configuration of add-on modules, such as Views, CCK, Pathauto, and Category; and part III, which will cover custom theming with PHPTemplate.
Note: to save the video to your computer, right-click it and select 'Save Link As...' (or equivalent action). You will need QuickTime v7 or higher in order to watch the video.